Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CRN+) is a legally registered non-profit organisation in Trinidad and Tobago. On September 28, 1996, in Trinidad and Tobago, twenty-one PLHIV and eleven interested individuals in the region formed CRN+. This network was born out of the need to address the issues of all people living with HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean region. CRN+ now has a membership of countries and territories of the Dutch, English, French and Spanish-speaking Caribbean with the ultimate goal being the inclusion of every territory in the wider Caribbean.
CRN+ establishment in 1996 was supported financially and technically by PAHO/WHO, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (CAREC).
Since its inception, CRN+ has been governed by the community of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and its primary role of Advocacy of the community of PLHIV.
CRN+ has worked consistently to ensure that the concerns of the community, as identified by its members, have been tabled at various national, regional and international fora. CRN+ has had membership on the boards of GNP+ and the International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (ICW).
Both the mission and vision statements of CRN+ focuses on the empowerment and support of persons infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS through advocacy, research, partnership, capacity-building and resource mobilization.
In the pursuit of our mandate, CRN+ will continue to seek to establish and strengthen national networks of PLHIV while pursuing advocacy strategies at regional and international levels.