In 2003 a group of persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDS with the help of the AIDS foundation of the Bahamas decided to start an organisation together. The group saw the need for those living with and affected by to join together and meet to share their experience and to help one another. From 2003 to date we have made a valuable contribution here in the Bahamas and abroad joining hands with our Caribbean colleagues we were able to join under the umbrella of The Caribbean Regional Network of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (CRN+). Some of our members have been giving the opportunity to represent our country at various workshops, seminars and conferences, these individuals become the voice for PLWHAs speaking to issues and making sound decisions that relate to us as PLWHAS, not only outside our country but here at home we have been called on to help create policies and create legislation that would affect those living with HIV/AIDS. We are truly proud of our contribution that we are able to make. The Bahamas National Network is also recognized internationally by the organisation that call on us representing not just the Bahamas but also in some cases the Caribbean. We believe that PLWHAs have a voice and it should be heard to give them a greater involvement in decision-making.
To bring those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS together to be the voice for those who are not able to speak for themselves, to build the capacity level of its member to speak to issues that affects Persons Living With and Affected By HIV/AIDS to be able to educate and trained persons to make wise decision for a daily living that would improve their lives.
The Bahamas National Network will seek to enhance the lives of Persons living with and affected by HIV/AID through education and advocate for the quality of service. We will be responsible and accountable to others ensuring the lives is preserved. We will foster community development through networking and putting God first in the Center of our lives.
Contact Info
Person : Matthew Brown
Phone :
1(242) 676-1014
1(242) 601-6703
1(242) 601-1488
Email : bahamasnationalnetwork@gmail.com