Jamaican Network of Seropositives
The Jamaica Network of Seropositives began in 1996 following the first regional meeting of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Trinidad. This meeting was sponsored by the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, Global Networks of PLWHA (GNP+) and ICW. In 1997 JN+ was publicly launched with support from the National HIV/STD Control and Prevention Programme (NHCP) and CAREC.
To advocate for the rights and concerns of People living with and affected by HIV/AIDS, through partnership, empowerment and resource mobilization.
Persons living with HIV and AIDS accepted and recognized as full members of society.
Contact Info
Person : Paula Samuels
Phone : 1(876) 929-7340
Fax : 1(876) 929-7340
Email : paulasamuels87@yahoo.com
Web : www.jnplus.org
3 Trevennion Park Road,
Kingston 5