Despite the identification of the key issues affecting key populations in the region, most interventions and activities proposed in the concept note lack strategic focus, are either poorly articulated or do not demonstrate potential for impact. Examples include: influence the political will for structural change and shift barriers that impede access to prevention, testing, treatment, care and support services for KAPs; integrate PANCAP anti-discrimination legislation model in strategic countries; scale up and replicate programs that monitor and document human rights abuses and hate crimes in KAPs for improved evidence-based advocacy with decision-makers, among others. The concept note lacks prioritization and focus on interventions with potential for impact at regional level.
The goal of the regional program is to remove legal and human rights barriers that contribute to marginalization and discrimination and impede access to HIV and sexual and reproductive health services, especially for key populations. The program is expected to accelerate progress towards expanding access to treatment, reducing new HIV infections and lowering mortality due to HIV. The proposed program will focus on reform of laws and policies, policy advocacy and accountability, and community systems strengthening (CSS). The collective efforts of the PANCAP membership seek to address common opportunities and challenges through action at the regional level.
The Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CRN+) is a Sub-Sub recipient of the Project. CRN+ seeks to achieve the following Objective:
Objective 1: To promote law and policy reform to remove barriers that impede access to prevention, diagnostic, treatment care and support services for key populations.